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Monday, April 11, 2016

Loss ~

Thanks, Nick Ban, for 25 years of service.
Photo: Butler News

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Worsley's Building ~

The building was so badly damaged in a fire on Friday night, March 11, 2016 that it will have to be torn down.
Photo: John Cingolani

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Monday, February 22, 2016

Cherrie Ann Mahan ~ Dear Little Girl

February 22, 1985

After all these years, she is still gone, but not forgotten, as her family and friends still pray for her safe return.Today marks the anniversary of the disappearance of 8-year-old Cherrie Ann Mahan. The dark-haired and wide-eyed third-grade student at Winfield Elementary School was dropped off from her school bus along Cornplanter Road in Winfield Township, Cabot, Pennsylvania shortly after 4 o'clock that afternoon. Cherrie never made the 50 feet from her bus stop to her front door, and today, State Police at Butler are still collecting leads that will hopefully bring her home safely someday.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Tribute to BHS athletes ~

 A gift of the NFL to BHS.
Footballs honoring Terry Hanratty and Rich Saul. Both played in Super Bowl games, Hanratty for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Saul for the Los Angeles Rams.
Photo: Insidebutlercounty.com

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Katie McLafferty ~

The Herman community and the fire department pay tribute to a beloved member. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Johnson's Restaurant ~

Not Howard Johnson's. This was the Johnson family that was part owner of Lloyd-Johnson Co. This is actually the same store, long before the Office Supply store was in it.
Thanks: Celia Snodgrass

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Joseph Sherman's Car ~ Made in Butler

Joseph Sherman established his Star Iron Works in Butler in 1890. Two automobiles were built in the Butler factory very early in the 20th Century, one owned by the J.B. Sherman family, the other by the A.E. Russell family.
From an undated clipping of an auto-club run in the Russell car from Butler to Pittsburgh:  "These cars, both 50 horse power, have run throughout the season, with little or no repairs, and without one serious breakdown. Members of the party who made the trip say that some of the miles were covered at a mile a minute clip, and even then the big machine did not seem to be anywhere near its limit of speed."

Thanks: Jeff Schalles

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015

BHS ~ Golden Tornado Football ~ 2015

BHS 17 [L] – Altoona - 19
BHS 22 [L] – Baldwin - 45 
BHS 07 [L] - North Hills - 35
BHS 20 [L] - Shaler - 30
BHS 07 [L] - Seneca Valley - 43
BHS 07 [L] - North Allegheny - 41
BHS 30 [L] - Pine Richland - 67
BHS 30 [W] - Fox Chapel - 22 
BHS 00 [L] - Central Catholic - 49

Friday, October 16, 2015

Flooding ~ 1954

Looking down Pillow Street 
towards West Cunningham Street. 
The date on the back of the photo is 9/15/1954.
Thanks: Carl Aquaviva 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Boy Scouts ~

Boy Scouts Armco Troop 16 Lyndora PA 
Early 1960's.
Thanks: John Pichler

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

BHS Swimming Pool ~

Photo: Barbara Bloom

Butler Swimming Pool ~ June 1, 1952

Photo by "Hopie's" 
Click to enlarge.  
Notice the high diving board and 2 low diving boards.  Sunbathing on roof top.  There used to be a pond in the park close to here where we would ice skate.  The creek was called Sullivan Run.
Thanks: James Cooper

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

View from Main Street ~ 1920

Looking out from Main Street to the Wayne Street Viaduct.
Thanks: Barbara Bloom

Friday, July 03, 2015

Lyndora School ~ 8th Grade ~ 1952

Click on picture to enlarge

First row: R-L
Patty Suchy, Carole Roe, Virginia Schnitzki,
Mr Shricker, Miss Shanor, Mr Kerr, Diane Turner, Mary Lou Klowak

Second row R-L
Unknown, Mary Ann Derkics, Alice Diehl, Jeanne Davis, Mabel Cress, Andrea Gyongosi, Joyce Flack, Yvonne Betres,

Third Row R-L
Margaret White, Nancy Herman, Donna Rausch, Dorthy Ballon, Nancy Cubbison, Nancy Longdon, Unknown, Donna Sobkowz

Fourth row R-L
Lee Hoovler, Leonard Pruckner, Jackie Povlick, Alan Cubbison, John Kosar, Tony Grenek, Fred Polanec

Top row R-L
David Hindman, Frank Komitsky Jr., Tim O'Hara, Russel Crouse, Ronnie Hemphill, Mike Pawk, Phillip Mudrick

Photo: Frank Komitsky Jr.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Vacant Lot ~

At the the corner of Main and Cunningham Streets
with a sign reminding us of an excellent Mens' store.
Thanks: Barbara Bloom

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

View of Butler ~

Postmark on the back is dated August 26, 1910 
Click on image to enlarge.
Thanks: Dennis Moffitt

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Boy Scouts ~ Early 1960s.

Boy Scouts 
Armco Troop 16 
Lyndora PA 
Thanks: John Pichler

Click on picture to enlarge.

Saturday, June 06, 2015

Is the Penn Theater coming back?

Photo: Mike Rehm
June 6, 2015
Good news! Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation is now taking bids, and expects to accept one this week, to repair the abandoned Penn Theater's marquee and façade.
The foundation has allocated $30,000 for the project, likely to start this month, said Dave Farkas, director of the foundation's Main Street projects.
Read more: About the revival.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bygone Butler ~

This stately home, known as the Showalter Residence, was located at Fulton and Main Streets, where Nationwide Insurance Company was, and adjacent to Howard Johnson's.

Thanks: Robert Emigh

Monday, April 20, 2015

Phyllis Lundy BHS '68 ~ Our Most Recent Butler Author

The essential life questions ~ Who am I? ~ What do I want from my life? ~ How do I break through the barriers and start taking steps in the direction of my dreams?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015