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Friday, February 14, 2014

Montgomery Ward ~

We kids loved Montgomery Ward's because they had some bicycles in the basement that we could feast our eyes on.


Anonymous said...

My Aunt worked there for many years,transferred to the new store and eventually retired from Wards. I remember the big black fans,this was pre air-conditioning big time. Stifling hot in there in the summer.My Mom didn't shop there a lot,preferred Sears even though they only had a catalog store in Butler. My big attraction was to go look at the rifles and shotguns they sold.

Bob Dorcy

Anonymous said...

What was this store before it was Montgomery Ward? It was quite a beautiful building.

Wasn't it Jaffe's after Montgomery Ward moved?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I believe it was Jaffe's after that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jaffe's after that and then I think Armstrong Utilities occupied this address until it was converted to offices or something. But that last metamorphosis was after I left Butler in the mid-70's.

Anonymous said...

The upstairs section of the building looks so inviting. Is there a great magnificent hall up there?

Anonymous said...

Question: Does anybody have any photos of the store when it was at the Butler Mall? I've seen one somewhere of the exterior of the place during the, what I assume, grand opening back in the mid to late '60s (prior to the mall). Does anybody have any photos of the inside of the store? I've been trying to remember the details of the place; but the only thing I can oddly remember is the old air-diffuses/ducts on the ceiling. That and also vaguely the electronics department.