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Saturday, February 01, 2025

Union National Bank ~


Thanks: Barbara Bloom


James Z. said...

The old bank was a place called Your Parents Basement last time I visited Butler two years ago. It was an arcade/board game/pinball palace all in one, pretty cool really with the architecture of the bank--marble floors, counters, massive vault doors--still in place. The upstairs boardroom of the bank had a black light gaming table that was really something to see. I think it's still there; hope so!

Anonymous said...

I remember the bank having heated sidewalks that were clear when most of the rest in town had a covering of snow.

Anonymous said...

The drive-up teller line along Jefferson St had room for about 4 or 5 cars max. Remember driving around the block a few times before there was any available space to get in that line. That was back when everyone cashed an actual paycheck at the banks on a Friday. Times have changed!

Anonymous said...

Now that you mention it, I do remember that line on Fridays, when people cashed their paycheck. I'm old!!

Anonymous said...

My dentist, Dr. Guy Brandberg, had his office in this building. (I think he was on the third floor.) I remember as a young child how thrilling it was to take the elevator to reach his office.

ZFH said...

My Grandfather worked for Butler Savings. He took us kids (elementary school age) to the roof once. Fantastic view but I was terrified about falling over the edge