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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Burger Hut ~



Anonymous said...

a friend from Pgh. commented to me:
"No one ever looks at a menu there. They just order."

Love this place.

Anonymous said...

This is the exact center of Butler...absolute anchor of what this town is about. I can't imagine it would close. (And I don't know why they don't double the size.)

Anonymous said...

You gotta believe that the size is part of the charm. There's not much space in there.

Being away I do miss stopping in there for a sandwich.

My best friend's mom used to bake pies daily and drop them off for sale there.

A great place and a great memory.

Anonymous said...

I have lived away from there for 22 years and still not have found a burger anywhere that can compare.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember the two Winky's restaurants in Butler? It was the first 'fast food' place that I can recall in Butler County. I read that the Winky's chain went out of business in the mid 1980's.

Anonymous said...

I do remember one Winky's,it was on Rt 8 north on the west side of the hwy a bit south of where the clearview mall is now.You could pig out for a buck,just what a teenager looks for,lots of food,small price.

The Burger Hut was also a favorite then and now when I go back to Butler.There is a bigger one,Burger Hut II at the point past the High School.By the way,they also serve "Hot Dog Shop" hot dogs.

Keep it coming Charles.

Bob Dorcy

Anonymous said...

does anyone have any recollection of the old Red Barn fast food restaurant that formerly was located on the property of the current mini-plaza of Voccelli's Pizza, Subway, a hair/nail parlor, and chinese restaurant.
I vaguely remember it being there in the late 70's early 80's

Anonymous said...

I remember the Red Barn. There was also a Winky's out New Castle Road near the "Thorofare" as we called it.

Anonymous said...

LOVED the burgers there and the atmosphere. Pete and I graduated the same year. And I remember the Winky's. My dad would take all 6 of us for our afternoon of "quality time" for Winky's---I think they were 6 for $1 to give our mom time to herself for a few hours. We'd visit used car lots afterward and learned to kick the tires!

Anonymous said...

I used to work at the Winky's on Rt. 8 north....think it's a package shipping place now...or something like that. Oh, and YEP, Winky's did go out of business in the mid-1980s.

Anonymous said...

And let's remember the "Autoburger"
across from the High School.

Anonymous said...

The very first fast food that I remember in Butler was Morgan's Carry Out.........burger, fries, and a milkshake for less than a dollar.


Anonymous said...

As West-end kids in the 1950's we would have summer sleep-outs in the back yard. A midnight hike to the Burger Hut produced a bag of wonderful cheeseburgers.

Anonymous said...

finally someone else remembers Autoburger. Cleverly cut hotdog on a toasted hamburger bun Yummy! My poor mom introduced us to fried mushrooms and she never got to enjoy them alone again...

D. Herron said...

As a child, I lived on Main St., just a block away from Burger Hut. LOVED their mushroom burgers and gourmet sandwiches,but most of all their chili fries. I also worked at Winky's.when I was 16.It was my second job as a teen.Went to school with the owners daughter Maureen Chilcotte.Frequented the Red Barn and Auto Burger also.

Anonymous said...

The AutoBurger! - I have tried for years to remember that name!
While we were never well-off, my father was "thrifty" and he believed in taking the family out to dinner at least once a month, and one of our "sure-thing" places was the Autoburger. We used to go on Thursdays for their all-you-eat chicken special. Man, you want to talk about quality family time, without cell phones, I-Pads, Facebook, or Twitter, that was what is was all about in the late 60's and 70's - we sat down as a family and actually talked about what was going on in our lives, without all the nuisance distractions families have to deal with today.
It wasn't really all that long ago, but times sure have changed - and not for the better in many ways.

Anonymous said...

How about vin-mar diner in the west end,it was next to the battery place , which was then a gas station and was run by Vince Mennel and his wife,it was my first job washing dishes man did I hate that job.

Anonymous said...

Boy all those bring back memories from an age of 13 to when they were tore down,out of business.The vin-Mar we spent late nite there after the bars closed.The red barn right across the st.,winkys,use to eat there,an the auto burger I was young but me an my mom would pic my older brothers up there after a high school football games,.not to change subject but the red barn days brings memories of alhambra motel right across from r.b. it burnt down in late 70's them were the good days.

Anonymous said...

Boy does that bring back memories

Dave fuhs said...

I worked at autoburger in 1966.
Dave fuhs

Dave fuhs said...

I worked at autoburger in 1966.
Dave fuhs

T OBrien said...

My dad ran the autoburger in 1966

Unknown said...

There was not a bad sandwich of any kind at the Burger Hut. Also, the fries with gravy were to die for. Was back in Butler 2 years ago and that was 1 of the stops.

Anonymous said...

I remember this one waitress. Her name was Flo. She would always say, “Kiss my grits!” We laughed and laughed. She always requested the hot Dicken’s Cider. She said that was her favorite.